TSC to Promote 7,000 Teachers And Hire 20,000 Interns

By | May 18, 2023

TSC to Promote 7,000 Teachers And Hire 20,000 Interns This Year

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is expected to promote 2,733 head teachers for regular primary schools, 1,330 Secondary teachers I, 725 Deputy Principal II, 602 principals for regular schools, 224 Deputy Principal III for secondary schools, and some 208 Senior Master II.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is seeking 4.3 billion shillings to promote teachers and to fund the Teacher Professional Development (TDP) program.

The allocation includes 2.2 billion shillings for promoting teachers who have been stuck in the same job group for an extended period as well as those who have attained higher qualifications while 2.1 billion shillings will fund the TPD program.

According to the presentation made before the National Assembly’s education committee that is scrutinizing the 2023/2024 budgets, the commission said it also requires more money to recruit 20,000 interns as well as implement comprehensive medical cover for teachers.