Study In Kenya
There are 28 Public and 26 Private Universities in Kenya. Kenya also has accredited Private Universities, Tvet Colleges and Polytechnic.
Both the Public and Private Universities Provide Skills-Oriented Courses to Potential and Prospective Applicants.
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Technical University of Mombasa
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
South Eastern Kenya University
Multimedia University of Kenya
Meru University of Science and Technology
Murang’a University of Technology
Co-operative University of Kenya
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Of Science And Technology
Kaimosi Friends University College
Bomet University College
List Of Private Universities In Kenya
The following are the Accredited Private Universities in Kenya.
United States International University Africa (USIU – Africa)
Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton
Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology
Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)
Pan Africa Christian University
Adventist University of Africa
Great Lakes University of Kisumu
Presbyterian University of East Africa
Africa International University
Management University of Africa
Amref International University (AMIU)
Pioneer International University
List of TVET Colleges In Kenya
List Of Technical And Vocational Education And Training Institutions (TVET) In Kenya
East Africa Institute of Certified Studies
Africa Digital Media Institute[
AirSwiss International College
Amboseli Institute of Hospitality and Technology
Nairobi Institute of Software Development
Atlas College -Eastleigh Nairobi
Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology (KIHBT)
Adept College of Professional Studies
African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Bandari College
Baraton Teachers’ Training College
Cascade Institute of Hospitality
Emma Daniel Arts Training Institute (EDATI)
Harvard Institute of Development Studies
Hemland College of Professional and Technical Studies
Indian Institute of Hardware Technology
International Centre of Technology
Intraglobal Training Institute
Jaffery Institute of Professional Studies
Kaiboi Technical Training Institute
The Kenya College of Science and Technology
Kenya Forestry Research Institute
Kenya Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Technology
Kenya Institute of Management (KIM)
Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
Kenya Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation Studies (KIMES)
Kenya Institute of Software Engineering
Kenya Medical Training Centre (KMTC)
Kenya School of Medical Science and Technology
Kenya School of Monetary Studies
Kenya Science Teachers College, University of Nairobi
Kenya Technical Teachers College (KTTC)
Kibwezi Teachers Training College
Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute
Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology
Machakos Institute of Technology
Nakuru Counseling & Training Institute
PC Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute (PCKTTI)
Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology
Rift Valley Technical Training Institute
Savannah Institute for Business and Informatics
Sensei Institute of Technology for Plant Operator Training
Thika Technical Training Institute (TTTI)
Valley Institute of Science & Technology
Vision Empowerment Training Institute
Vision Stars Training Institute
Mukiria Technical Training Institute
Mathenge Technical Training Institute
Ahmed Shahame Mwidani Technical Training Institute
Nkabune Technical Training Institute
Matili Technical Training Institute
Keroka Technical Training Institute
Ngong Technical and Vocational College
Kiirua Technical Training Institute
Jeremiah Nyaga Training Institute
Ol’lessos Technical Training Institute
Aldai Technical Training Institute
Bahati Institute of Business and Administration Studies
Mawego Technical Training Institute
Bumbe Institute of Technology Busia
Bushiangala Technical Training Institute
Sigalagala Technical Training Institute
Shamberere Technical Training Institute
Katine Technical Training Institute
Ugenya Technical and Vocational College
Kitelakapel Technical Training Institute
Weithaga Bible and Technical Training College
Vitech Training Institute
Transafric College
Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya
Kapenguria West Teachers Training College
Chesta Teachers Training College
List Of Polytechnics In Kenya
Kenya Coast National Polytechnic
Sigalagala National Polytechnic
Nyandarua National Polytechnic
Nyeri National Polytechnic
List of all Kuccps approved Universities and their codes in Kenya
List of Kuccps approved Colleges and their codes in Kenya
List of all best Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya