TSC Issue 2021 Deployment Letters To The Following Teachers

By | February 10, 2021

The Teachers Service Commission has been conducting deployment of new Teachers since last year. In the recent recruitment, the Commission recruited 11,000 Teachers under permanent and pensionable terms. On the other hand, also 6,000 Teachers were deployed on contract under internship. These newly recruited teachers have not yet received their employment letters.

For this reason, Teachers have been in dilemma. As we know, the deployment letters are the ones that confirm one is successfully employed. That is why, a good number of Teachers whose letters Experienced delay are in question.

Successful applicants who were being recruited and have not received their letters have been asked to be patient since the Commission is dealing with their letters. The Teachers Service Commission is likely to inform them in due course on how they do obtain them.

This is good news for newly recruited Teachers. They are advised to continue with their work as the Teachers Service Commission is dealing with their concerns.