Kenya Junior Secondary Schools to be Headed by Primary Head Teachers

By | December 20, 2022

Primary school head teachers to head Junior Secondary Schools

Current primary school head teachers will be in charge of the Junior Secondary Schools. The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has announced.

Grade 7 learners who will remain in primary schools, will still be under their school headteacher.

The concerns were raised by MPs when TSC faced the education committee on Monday.

TSC legal officer Cavin Anyuor said the junior secondary school will still be under primary school management.

Kitutu Masaba MP Clive Gisairo had inquired how teachers will run the two categories separately.

“Who will be the administrator, will they have different management in the same school, or how will that be done?” he said.

Anyuor responded by saying Grade 7 will still be managed under primary schools.

“As it stands now the administrator will still remain the headteacher of that primary until junior secondary takes off,” he said.

Grade 7 learners will undertake studies in 14 subjects with 12 being compulsory.

The teachers’ employer has announced that teachers with higher qualifications and teaching in primary schools will be promoted to handle Junior Secondary Schools.

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