New TSC Teacher Transfer Application Process

By | January 16, 2024

In its commitment to streamline and enhance the teacher transfer process, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) introduced an online application system.

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the TSC Online Teacher Transfer Application process as of 2024.

TSC Teacher Transfer Application Process

1. Accessing the Teacher Portal: To initiate the transfer application, teachers need to follow these steps:

i. Visit the TSC website ( and navigate to “Online Services.”

ii. Select “Teacher Transfer” and enter your details, including your TSC Number, ID Number, and Mobile Number to log in.

iii. Receive a six-digit authorization code on your mobile number and enter it to proceed.

iv. The system identifies if you are a primary or post-primary teacher.

v. Click “Submit a Request for Transfer” to begin the application process.

vi. Enter all required details and check the declaration box.

vii. Click ‘OK’ to confirm the entered information.

2. File Attachment(s) and Additional Actions:

Teachers can attach supporting documents, such as those related to insecurity or medical grounds. Follow these steps:

i. Click “File Attachment(s)” to attach necessary documents.

ii. Browse and select the document, enter remarks, and click ‘Ok.’

iii. View, remove, or submit your attachment(s).

iv. After successful submission, the application status changes to “Pending.”

3. Logout and Head of Institution (HOI) Recommendation:

After applying, teachers need to log out. The Head of Institution (HOI) then receives the transfer requests. There are two options for the HOI to provide recommendations:

i. Option 1: Email Notification

a. Open the email notification and click the link provided.

b. Enter comments as the Head of Institution and click 'Submit.'

ii. Option 2: HOI Portal

a. Visit the TSC website, click on "Online Services," select HRMIS, and choose "Teacher Transfer."

b. Enter TSC Number, ID Number, and Mobile Number to log in.

c. Enter the six-digit authorization code received on the mobile number.

d. The HOI portal displays incoming transfer requests.

e. Click 'Action' to recommend the transfer and provide comments.

f. Click 'Submit' to finalize the recommendation.


The TSC Online Teacher Transfer Application process, with its user-friendly interface and detailed steps, reflects the commission’s commitment to leveraging technology for efficiency. By following this guide, teachers and Head of Institutions can seamlessly navigate the online transfer application, making the process more