KNEC Give KCSE Exams Release Date

By | December 11, 2023

On Friday, the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) refuted allegations that the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) results would be released before Christmas.

Contrary to an online news story flagged by KNEC, which suggested the results would be announced between December 16 and December 22, the Examination Council stated that the KCSE examinations are still in the process of being marked. The results will be out when they are ready.

“KNEC has made no such statement. Marking of KCSE is ongoing and the results will be released when they are ready,” the Exam Council clarified.

The flagged publication further claimed that the exam marking would be completed on December 11. KNEC terms the news as fake.

The release of results would be led by Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu, with assistance from officials from the Ministry of Education, Kenya National Examinations Council, Teachers Service Commission, and Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, according to the fake statement.

The KCSE exams began on October 10 and concluded on November 24 with physics practicals, with a total of 903,260 applicants taking the exams.

KNEC’s response comes amid controversy surrounding the Ministry of Education and the Examinations Council over flaws discovered following the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu admitted to the Education Parliamentary Committee that the KCPE examinations released on November 23 were riddled with inaccuracies.

The CS attributed the KCPE exam issues to the company contracted to manage the QR code used for reporting results. Machogu insisted that the errors were out of control but noted that they had been resolved.

Machogu also rejected rumours that KNEC secured a contract with a local firm to print the 2023 national exams.

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