Amref Health Africa Vacancies 2020
In recent years, Amref Health Africa has highlighted the fact that despite huge investments by donors in health products and delivery of health services, a large percentage of Africans still have limited access to sufficient and quality health care.
Amref Health Africa’s current ten-year strategy (2007-2017) focuses on finding ways to link health services to the people that need them by focusing more on people, and less on diseases – making responses tailor-made to specific community needs.
Duly note that Amref Health Africa does not require applicants to pay any fee at whatever stage of the recruitment and selection process. Amref Health Africa therefore advises the general public to exercise due diligence when applying for employment.
Amref Health Africa offers various job opportunities at its headquarters in Nairobi, country offices in Africa and Northern offices in Europe and North America. Please see below our latest vacancies:
Search For Amref Health Africa Vacancies 2020
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