The Nairobi West Hospital Ltd. Job Vacancies

By | July 24, 2020

Millions of patients from all walks of life trust us with their lives each year. That’s why we put our patients at the heart of everything we do by standing united in our vision of maintaining our status as an affordable, accessible, optimal quality healthcare provider that surpasses international standards. Behind each healthcare professional at The Nairobi West Hospital is a multidisciplinary team committed to delivering the best patient care possible.

“Healthcare at Its Best” is not just a phrase, but a maxim each member of staff lives by to ensure a safe and serene environment for each patient and visitor that comes to the hospital.

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Our Contacts

Nairobi West Hospital

0730 600 000, 0722(0734) 200 944

0730 600 000


Gandhi Ave, Nairobi, Kenya