Tanzania Forestry Research Institute Job Vacancies

By | April 29, 2021

Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) periodically advertises latest job vacancies available to all eligible Tanzanians. To find the latest jobs on offer, Details of Tanzania Forestry Research Institute job vacancies. Browse through the latest job opportunities available at Tanzania Forestry Research Institute.

Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) was established by Act No. 5 of 1980. Its history dates back to 1893 when the Germans established a 2.5 ha tree nursery near Dar es Salaam. The nursery tested over 270 species for tropical plantations, ornamental and other trees. There after, a Biological Agricultural Research Station was established at Amani in 1902 to undertake systematic test of iFire Report, Sept2017ndigenous (Juniper and Podo) and exotic (Cypress, Eucalypts, Teak and Black Wattle) tree species. A number of tree species tested, currently constitute major plantation tree species in Tanzania.

For details on our job vacancies, you can contact us for more details or send us your CV to our official email address.

Head Office,

Tanzania Forestry Research Institute,

Dar – Moro Highway, Kingolwira Area

P.O. Box 1854,




E : tafori@tafori.or.tz