Mistakes to Avoid when Filling Your TSC Payslips Online

By | May 8, 2023

Mistakes to avoid when registering your TSC payslips online

Registering your TSC payslips online can be a convenient way to access and manage your salary information as a teacher in Kenya.

However, it’s important to be aware of potential mistakes that could occur during the registration process. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when registering your TSC payslips online to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Mistakes to avoid when registering your TSC payslips online

1. Do not use invalid credentials. Invalid information should be avoided. However, if you are attempting to log in/register for TSC payslips with a valid name, make sure that the names begin with a capital letter and continue in small letters.

2. Avoid scanning and uploading certificates incorrectly. Certified copies of professional and academic credentials are required. The process also necessitates the submission of a national identity card as well as a passport-sized photo. If the photos or files are scanned and uploaded incorrectly, the registration will be cancelled. 

3. Do not delay paying the registration fee. The authorities have already provided the bank name, account name, and number, as well as M-Pesa details, and they anticipate timely payment. Delays in payment are thus unacceptable, and the registration may become null and void.

4. Making mistakes when entering bank account information is dangerous. Because they have already provided the information for their bank account, entering incorrect information will result in a transfer of funds to a different account. This will not only cause your registration to be delayed, but it will also cost you money. 

5. Avoid engaging in fraudulent activities. All components of the TSC payslip registration are strictly required, and applicants must provide accurate information about their credentials. If fraudulent activities are discovered, the registration may be immediately deactivated.

6. Don’t forget to check the status of your registration. Check to see if your registration was successful. If all of your credentials were properly and accurately used for your registration, you should conduct a detailed survey.

7. Avoid using agencies or consultants for your registration. For registration purposes, you should not use agencies, consultancies, or middlemen.

There could be office advertising, Online TSC payslip, Online TSC payslip, and so on. Be wary of such a ruse. Your credentials may be used for unethical practices that will land you in hot water in the future.