Lifebridge Hospital Job Vacancies

By | August 6, 2020

At LifeBridge we treat commmon psychiatric ailments that affect many people. We try to work with our patients to deliver a better quality of life through our services.

At Lifebridge we are dedicated in improving the lives of people focusing on mental health, rehabilitation, and professional counseling.

Lifebridge has expanded its services by building the new facility home away from home, along the Northern Bypass behind The Treat Hotel, Marurui around Mirema. The new facility offers both outpatient and inpatient with a 40 bed capacity offering medical services with more emphasis on mental ailments.

We strive to deliver individually tailored clinical excellence in a quiet and calm facility with the ultimate aim of helping patients and their loved ones. Recovery is important, but also understand ones illness, and thereby learn to manage their own psychological health is our focus.

Find Lifebridge Hospital Job Vacancies Here

Contact details


LifeBridge Hospital.
Northern Bypass(behind Treat Hotel), Marurui Mirema
Roysambu, Kenya
P: 0725133444