Vitron Smart TV Prices In Kenya

Vitron Smart TV Prices In Kenya

Get the cheapest VITRON TVs only at SMATIKA Kenya’s cheapest VITRON TV TVs shop and dealer all our VITRON TVs come with a manufacturer warranty and you pay on delivery countrywide.

Vitron TV pricelist

Vitron 24-inch DigitalKSH 7,499
Vitron 32-inch DigitalKSH 9,499
Vitron 32-inch SmartKSH 13,499
Vitron 39-inch DigitalKSH 14,999
Vitron 40-inch Smart AndroidKSH 19,500
Vitron 43-inch Smart AndroidKSH 19,990
Vitron 50-inch Smart AndroidKSH 22,999
Vitron 55-inch 4K AndroidKSH 34,499
Vitron 55 inch 4K AndroidKSH 47,999

We have the best deals for VITRON TVs that come in both digital and smart of different sizes including but not limited to VITRON TV 32 inches, 43 inches, VITRON TV 49 inches, 50 inches, VITRON TV 55 inches, 65 inches, VITRON TV 75 inches, and the latest VITRON TV.