Rice Prices In Kenya 

Rice Prices In Kenya

The retail price range in Kenyan Shilling for rice is between KES 69.44 and KES 104.17 per kilogram or between KES 31.49 and KES 47.24 per pound(lb) in Nairobi and Mombasa.

How much is a 50kg bag of rice in Kenya?

The rice also requires a lot of attention in cooking, as it tends to be cake. It should be cooked in low heat at 1.5 part water instead of 2 part water ratio to rice as in the other variety. Retail price of Ksh180($1.32)/kg; Wholesale Price Ksh160($1.18)/kg, Ksh8,000($58.82)/50kg Bag.

What kind of rice is used in Kenya?

Know Your Grains | What's for Dinner Kenya

Common rice types in Kenya include Basmati, Kenyan Pishori, Jasmine rice, Biryani rice, etc. Remember that when shopping for brown rice you need not buy a lot of it due to its reduced shelf life. Rice is ideal for quick and easy recipes that are both wholesome and nutritious.

Where does Kenya get its rice?

It is currently the third most important cereal crop after maize and wheat. It is grown mainly by small-scale farmers as a commercial and food crop. About 80% of the rice grown in Kenya is from irrigation schemes established by Government while the remaining 20% is produced under rain-fed conditions.