List Of Natural Resources In Kenya

List Of Natural Resources In Kenya

Natural resources are resources that are drawn from nature and used with few modifications. This includes the sources of valued characteristics such as commercial and industrial use, aesthetic value, scientific interest, and cultural value.

In this article tries to answer the question by publishing the full list of Natural Resources in Kenya

Below are the full List of Natural Resources In Kenya

Kenya is blessed with plenty of natural resources, wildlife, biodiversity, land, and a remarkable ecosystem.

These assets easily affect the country through income, generation of revenue, and capital inflows.

In the past few years, the discovery of numerous oil deposits, gas, and other rare and valuable minerals has really put Kenya on the world’s economic map.

Natural resources and minerals found abundantly in Kenya include zinc, soda ash, salt, limestone, gemstones, gypsum, fluorspar, diatomite, hydropower, petrol, hydropower, and different resources that have great commercial significance, like rare earth elements.

What is the main mineral in Kenya?

Kenya has four belts of minerals – the gold green stone belt in western Kenya, which extends to Tanzania; the Mozambique belt passing through central Kenya, the source of Kenya’s unique gemstones; the Rift belt, which has a variety of resources including soda ash, fluorspar and diatomite; and, the coastal belt

What all minerals are found in Kenya?

Kyanite, corundum, graphite, wollastonite, marble, asbestos, fluorspar, magnesite, kaolin, variety of gemstones are found. Minerals are found together with minerals associated with basic and granite rocks.

What is the most valuable resource found in Kenya?

Soda ash (used in glassmaking) is Kenya’s most valuable mineral export and is quarried at Lake Magadi in the Rift Valley. Limestone deposits at the coast and in the interior are exploited for cement manufacture and agriculture.