List Of Essential Drugs In Kenya

List Of Essential Drugs In Kenya

Essential medicines, as defined by the World Health Organization, are the medicines that “satisfy the priority health care needs of the population”. These are the medications to which people should have access at all times in sufficient amounts. The prices should be at generally affordable levels.

In this article tries to answer the question by publishing the full list of Essential Drugs in Kenya

Below are the full List of Essential Drugs In Kenya

Check here to known all the Essential Drugs In Kenya

What are the most used pharmaceutical drugs in Kenya?

The most prevalent prescription drugs for non-medical use were benzhexol; diazepam; flunitrazepam; amitriptyline; chlorpromazine; codeine; benadryl; haloperidol; tramadol; propofol; olanzapine; carbamazepine; and chlorpromazine 

What are the commonly abused drugs in Kenya?

The drugs mainly abused in Kenya are either illicit (illegal) such as heroin, cocaine, local brew (chang’aa), bhang, kuber, and mandrax, or licit (legal) such as alcohol (beer, wines & spirits), tobacco, and khat (miraa).

What drugs are in Kenya?

Nationally, current use was alcohol, 13 percent; cigarettes, 11 percent; and khat, 6 percent. Current drug use among those age 15–24 was alcohol, 9 percent; tobacco, 6 percent; khat, 5 percent; and cannabis, 1 percent.

How many people are addicted to drugs in Kenya?

Compared to Kenya, where it is reported to be at 42.8% in Kenyan college students; at 32.2% prevalence of lifetime smoking in Nairobi, the capital City of Kenya

In Kenya, lifetime prevalence rate of any substance use was found to be 69.8% among college students 

What are examples of essential drugs?

  • Anaesthetics, preoperative medicines and medical gases.
  • Medicines for pain and palliative care.
  • Antiallergics and medicines used in anaphylaxis.
  • Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings.
  • Anticonvulsants/antiepileptics.
  • Anti-infective medicines.