List of Baringo KCSE 2022, 2023, 2024 Best Performing Girls Schools Ranking Nationally

By | November 30, 2023

KAPROPITA GIRLS HIGH, MERCY GIRLS, MOGOTIO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, OSSEN GIRLS HIGH and PEMWANI GIRLS are some of the best-performing Extra County girls in Baringo County.

Here is a complete list of all the best girls schools in Baringo County:

Position NationallyName of SchoolRegionCountyKCSE 2022 Mean ScoreKCSE 2022 Mean GradeSchool TypeCategory
269KAPROPITA GIRLS HIGHRift ValleyBaringo7.3C+{plus}GirlsExtra County
434MERCY GIRLSRift ValleyBaringo5.8C (plain)GirlsExtra County
460MOGOTIO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOLRift ValleyBaringo5.6284C (plain)GirlsExtra County
65OSSEN GIRLS HIGHRift ValleyBaringo9.2B{plain}GirlsExtra County
413PEMWANI GIRLSRift ValleyBaringo6C (plain)GirlsExtra County
218RUTH KIPTUI GIRLSRift ValleyBaringo7.732B-{minus)GirlsExtra County
94RUTH KIPTUI GIRLSRift ValleyBaringo8.8B{plain}GirlsExtra County
89Ruth Kiptui Girls KasokRift ValleyBaringo8.87B{plain}GirlsExtra County
387ST PETERS GIRLSRift ValleyBaringo6.227C (plain)GirlsExtra County
131TABAGON GIRLS HIGH SCHOOLRift ValleyBaringo8.4B-{minus)GirlsExtra County