How To Make Quick Money In Kenya

Making money online in Kenya is a great way to build a passive income stream and gain financial freedom. Since the pandemic, Kenyans have sought economic opportunities that require minimal human interaction and more flexible options.

How To Make Quick Money In Kenya

Everyone needs to earn a living, and the internet has transformed how we do this. It has opened up borders on what you can do and achieve based on geographical region or financial resources. 

Below are ways to make quick money online in Kenya:

1. Blogging in Kenya

Blogging is a sure way to make money online in Kenya. It requires significant hard work initially. However, each piece of content will earn you passive income in Kenya once it is written. After starting your blog in Kenya, you can monetize it and start earning. 

How to start

  • Get your website name (called the domain) and hosting (where the website lives). Here is an option if you want to make money online in Kenya for free!
  • Install WordPress once you have a domain name and hosting plan. WordPress is free and open source!
  • Design your website
  • Start publishing awesome content.
  • Monetize the content via Google AdSense or this better alternative.

2. YouTube

If you are wondering how YouTube pays in Kenya, it is through ads shown on your video content via Google AdSense. All you need to do is find a topic you would like to make videos about, and then create a YouTube channel around it.

However, to achieve YouTube monetization, you will need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of public watch time.

If you don’t want to wait until you achieve the target above, here is a platform that allows you to monetize your content from day one.

3. Affiliate Marketing

This can be done via your website, social media platforms, YouTube channel or even through email marketing. You get paid a commission to market or review a product in the aforementioned channels.

There are many affiliate programs. If you use a product or a service, especially those by global companies, they probably have an affiliate program that you can join and earn money in Kenya.

4. Membership and Subscriptions

You can make money online in Kenya by creating membership or subscription products. You earn money by charging a fee so someone can access member-only content or products.

5. Freelance work

As long as you have a skill and you are good at it, you can earn money in the various online marketplaces.

Here are legit places to offer your freelance services in Kenya: