How To Cook Yams In Kenya

African yams are edible tubers, which are a staple food in West Africa. They are very versatile and can be prepared in several ways to make different yam dishes. Boiled yam is one of the most consumed dishes from this tuber crop, and a lot of other dishes call for it as an ingredient. This is why I am sharing this post on how to cook African yams.

How To Cook Yams In Kenya

Yam tubers are usually big and not the easiest to wash in kitchen sinks. There is no need to wash before peeling unless it has just been harvested and covered in soil. The tuber is more prone to spoilage in the presence of moisture. It is best to cut off the quantity you need, peel and wash before cooking.


Unless you are roasting African yam tubers, you will need to remove the skin before cooking. There are different ways of doing this, but I find it easier to first cut the yam into slices before peeling and use either of the two methods below.

  • Hold the yam slice in your non-dominant hand, hold the knife in the other hand.  Position the knife as if you want to peel an orange or an apple and make a cut into the skin of the yam. Rotate the yam slice slowly against the knife so the blade removes the skin as it moves.

Place the yam slice flat on a chopping board, and use a knife to cut off the skin as shown below.

Take extra care when peeling as raw yam can cause itching. Handling should be as minimal as possible.

Similar to other vegetables, yams tend to undergo enzymatic browning when the surface is exposed to oxygen. This is why the color darkens sometimes after cutting. To reduce this browning effect, place the yam slices in water immediately after peeling.

How To Cook It

Cut off one of the ends of the yam and cut it into slices.

Peel the slices and place them in a bowl of water to prevent browning.

Wash the yam slices under running water to remove all sand and dirt.

Place in a saucepan filled with water making sure the water covers the yam. The pot should not be too full as yam tends to boil over. Leave some space in the pot to allow for this.

Add a pinch of salt. You only need a little salt so as not to overpower the delicately sweet taste of yam. More mature yams have more sugars and taste sweeter than new yams. If you are cooking new yam, you could add a little sugar as well for added sweetness.

Place over medium heat and allow to cook. New yam will be ready in about 15 mins, while more mature yam could take between 20 – 25 mins.