How To Be Successful In Kenya

Success means different things to different people. For some, success might be financial achievements. Everyone wants to be successful in life. How to achieve success is what most people don’t know.

How To Be Successful In Kenya

Here is how you can achieve success in life and your business endeavours.

1. Save your money

It doesn’t really matter how much you make. What matters is how much you save and invest. A person saving $10,000 on $20,000 income a year can become much wealthier than a person making $50,000 and spending $50,000. It is so important to save as much money as you can, especially when you are young and invest it.

That money will grow exponentially by the time you are a little older. Save money and do not spend it on wasteful things. You do not have to live like a hermit staying at home all the time because you do not want to spend money.

Spend your money wisely on things that add value and benefit your life in ways that you enjoy. Just because you have the money does not mean that you should buy things.

Live frugally, save while you can and invest. It will put you in a financially comfortable sot and when you hit a certain point, you will start doing things because you want to do them not because you need the money.

2. Trust your instincts

Sometimes we do not trust our intuition just based on fear and insecurity. If you have a gut feeling about something that you know you really want to do, just do it. Don’t let that fear or insecurity get you to have you delay what you really want to do.

If you have an intuition to do something usually that is right and you shouldn’t ignore it. Go ahead. If you feel like you should be doing something, chances are that you should be doing that thing. Do not let fear or insecurity get in the way. Also if something sounds too good to be true, then do your research on it. I do not believe in get-rich-quick schemes.

I do believe though that there are opportunities but none of these is going to come easy. I have had things I wanted to do, but haven’t and later looked back and thought,” I Should’ve done that.”

3. Do not be discouraged

Never let people discourage you. At the same time, be open to criticism because there are people that are coming from a great place and really care about you. Be open to criticism but do not let people discourage you or try to let their own insecurities impact you.

They may get jealous or worry that you will succeed in things that they couldn’t do. People will always want to give their thoughts, play victim, and tell you how hard something is, usually coming from an unhealthy mindset. Realize this and move on.

4. Always be doing something to improve yourself

Whether it is reading a book, finding great people to surround yourself with, or reading. Just do something to better yourself. Do not sit all day doing anything. You need to be doing something to improve. In the book, the compound effect, the principle behind it is so simple. If you do 1% better every single day and you continue doing 1% better than the last day every single day, in one year you will be 365% better.

It is such a simple principle to follow. You just have to do slightly better every day than the day before. Learn from anything you can improve on and it just builds on itself.

5. Work with everyone

When you are first starting out in business, work with everyone. It does not matter who it is, how big the deal is or how small the deal is. Work with everybody at the beginning. Even if they are not good clients, every client from the beginning is going to be the best learning experience for you. You will learn so much from that client and deal that will make everything worthwhile.

The big clients and the deals that are a bit easy are sure great but at the end of the day, you need to learn to work with everybody.

6. Surround yourself with success

Surround yourself with smart people who add value and diversity to your life. For instance, you can surround yourself with people who make five times the amount of money that you make. Surround yourself the really smart, knowledgeable and smart people with that you can learn and grow.

Do not surround yourself with people who just sit at home and watch TV all day. Surround yourself with people who are really doing something with their lives. They will bring a wealth of information to the table. It is also interesting to see how other people work.

There are a million ways to make a million dollars and that is what it really comes down to. There is no right or wrong way. It is just whatever works for you. Be around as many people as possible, learning and picking up the things that you like best from them and incorporating that into your own style.

7. Be Consistent

You need to do things consistently. It is like going to the gym. If you go to the gym one day, you can not expect to be built up the next day. It does not work that way. It takes consistency and that is the same thing with building a business or making money or being successful at anything.

Do not get discouraged when you do not see the results after a few months. It takes time, to do it consistently and have faith in the process rather than the end result. The end result will happen but it takes time.

8. Help others along the way

You should not be afraid to help other people. Some people are afraid of giving others what they have learned. It is such a stupid mentality not to share what you know. Because you are just afraid someone is going to take over your business or they are going to make more money than you.

Share what you know and by doing that it will make your life so much better. You will go to bed happy and fulfilled and when you go to work the next day, you will enjoy what you do.