Co-operative University of Kenya E-Learning Portal

By | May 10, 2020

The eLearning Institute(IODeL) would wish to request ALL the eLearning students sitting their last semester(finalist) this current semester Jan – April 2020 to register for their units they will be examined on through the following link: Click here. This registration ends on Sunday 10th May 2020 mid-night.

Please note that there will be no extension to this directive.

All payments to the institution are payable to the Co-operative Bank of Kenya, Account No.01129062663600 (Karen Branch) and the banking slips presented to the University to facilitate issuance of official receipts. The University does not accept cash payments

The eLearning Institute(IODeL) would wish to request ALL the eLearning students sitting their last semester(finalist) this current semester Jan – April 2020 to register for their units they will be examined on through the following link: Click here. This registration ends on Sunday 10th May 2020 mid-night.

Please note that there will be no extension to this directive.