Category Archives: Teachers Resources

Download Free History Form 3 End Term Exams Plus Answers

ULTIMATE ACHIEVERS ACADEMY Name___________________________________________________AdmNo:_____________ Date____________________Sign_______________ END OF TERM  EXAMINATION  FORM THREE HISTORY TIME: 2 HOURS 30 MINUTES INSTRUCTIONS: This paper consists of three sections: A, B, and Answer all the questions in section A, three questions in section B and two questions from section C. Answers to all questions should be written in the answer booklet provided. SECTION QUESTIONS SCORE A 1- 17 B 18 19 20 21 C… Read More »

Download Free Business Studies Form 4 Notes in PDF

SOURCE DOCUMENTS AND BOOKS OF ORIGINAL ENTRY These are documents containing the information that makes basis of making entries in the books of accounts. They act as evidence that the transaction actually took place. They includes Cash sale receipt: – a document that shows that cash as been received or paid out of the business either in form… Read More »

Download Free Form 2 Chemistry Opener Exams

CHEMISTRY FORM 2 TERM  OPENER EXAM TIME:2 HOURS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………….CLASS;……………..ADM;………… From the following list of compunds;zinc oxide,solid carbon (IV) oxide,sodium carbonate,nitric (V) acid,iron (III) chloride; (i)Identify two that sublime.(2 mks) (ii)Identify a pair that react to form salt and water only.(2 mks) (iii)Write a word equation for the reaction between sodium carbonate and nitric (V) acid.(1 mk) In an… Read More »

Download Free English PP2 Form 4 Joint Exam With Answers

Name…………………………….…….……………………………….. Adm  No: ………………………… School …………………………………………………………Candidate’s Signature …………..…………                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         … Read More »

Download free Smartpass Examination Form 4 English PP2

NAME……………………………………………………………….. Index No…………………………. Candidate’s Signature…………………………………………Date……………………………… 101/2 ENGLISH Paper 2 (Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and grammar) Time 2hrs 30mins SMARTPASS EXAMINATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) MODEL ONE  101/2 ENGLISH Instructions to candidates (a) Write your name, index number and class in the spaces provided above. (b) All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this… Read More »

Final Revised KCSE Timetable Download knec Copy

Here is the revised and final KCSE 2021-2022 Timetable and instructions to candidates who will sit for their examinations in March/ April 2022. According to the timetable, the candidates sit for their first theory paper on MONDAY 14/03/2022. The last examination day will be on Friday April 1, 2022. TIMINGS OF PAPERS IN THE 2021 KCSE EXAMINATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO SUPERVISORS, INVIGILATORS,… Read More »

Download Free Updated Primary school schemes of work for all classes, grades and PP1-2 Term 1-3

Are you in need of free and updated primary school schemes of work? Download our free schemes of work for all classes, grades and PP1-3. These schemes are for Term 1, 2 and 3. Do not pay for schemes of work when you can download them at no cost in this site. Check more free resources (notes, exams, revision… Read More »