Best Medical Aid In Kenya

What is a Medical Aid?

Medical aid is a form of insurance where you pay a monthly amount – called a contribution or premium – in return for financial cover for medical treatment you may need, as well as any related medical expenses. This means that if you fall ill suddenly, are involved in an accident or need emergency treatment, your health needs will be taken care of.

Best Medical Aid In Kenya

AAR Insurance

One of the more famous companies when it comes to medical insurance in Kenya is the AAR health insurance plan. AAR Health insurance packages are:

AAR health insurance packagePackage LimitBest Outpatient
Cover MeKsh. 500,000 illness
Ksh. 500,000 accident
Best matched with Ksh. 50,000
BronzeKsh. 1,000,000 illness
Ksh. 2,000,000 accident
Best matched with Ksh. 50,000-75,000
SilverKsh. 2,000,000 illness
Ksh. 4,000,000 accident
Best matched with Ksh. 50,000-100,000
Silver PlusKsh. 4,000,000 illness
Ksh. 8,000,000 accident
Best matched with Ksh. 50,000-150,000
GoldKsh. 10,000,000 illness
Ksh. 10,000,000 accident
Best matched with Ksh. 50,000-200,000
PlatinumKsh. 20,000,000 illness
Ksh. 20,000,000 accident
Best match with Ksh. 50,000-250,000

AAR medical insurance rates in Kenya

When it comes to the cost of AAR medical insurance in Kenya, it is important to know that, the total cost will depend on:

  1. Age: the older you are the more you pay in premiums
  2. Limit of inpatient and outpatient you take. The higher the limits the higher the cost
  3. Family size: the larger the family the higher the premiums.

Assuming a family of 4 members, AAR medical insurance rates start from Ksh. 42,000 a year. The AAR medical insurance in Kenya costs are as below:

AAR insurance packagesCost as from
Cover MeKsh. 16,361/-
BronzeKsh. 18,148/-
SilverKsh. 21,619/-
Silver PlusKsh. 28,009/-
GoldKsh. 56,702/-
PlatinumKsh. 116,797/-

Britam Medical Cover

Britam health insurance in Kenya is one unique product due to the way in which they have structured their medical coverage. It is subdivided into 4 main British insurance packages as discussed below. It also helps bring out the way health insurance at Britain is.

How does Britan insurance work?

  1. Advantage: This is a high-cost cover with unrestricted hospital access to all medical insurance providers. It provides for critical illnesses only at the 10M and 5M inpatient cover limits. It also covers chronic, congenital, and pre-existing conditions to the full limit
  2. Premier: It has similar hospital access to the advantage plan including cover for critical illness only to the 5M and 10M inpatient limit only. Chronic, congenital, and pre-existing conditions are subject to sub-limits defined in the British medical insurance policy.
  3. Essential 1: Hospital access is restricted to Tier 2 and 3 as defined by Britam Insurance. No coverage is provided for critical illnesses while chronic, congenital, and pre-existing conditions are covered according to the sub-limits
  4. Essential 2: Hospital coverage is restricted to Tier 3 as defined under the British health insurance policy. No cover is provided for critical illness while chronic, congenital, and pre-existing covered are covered according to the sub-limits.

APA Medical Insurance Cover

Regarding medical insurance in Kenya, APA Insurance is one of the top medical insurance providers offering a wide variety of health insurance plans. For individual health insurance plans, APA Insurance offers both enhanced and budget-friendly plans.

The two options provided by APA Insurance are:

  1. Jamii Plus
  2. Afya Nafuu

APA medical insurance in Kenya packages are provided in the benefits indicated below:

Type of APA medical insurance plan (Jamii Plus)Outpatient benefits available
500,000Ksh. 50,000-150,000
1,000,000Ksh. 50,000-150,000
2,000,000Ksh. 50,000-150,000
5,000,000Ksh. 50,000-150,000
10,000,000Ksh. 50,000-150,000

When it comes to the APA Afya Nafuu medical insurance plan is as below:

Type of APA medical insurance plan (Afya Nafuu)Outpatient benefits available
100,000Ksh. 30,000
300,000Ksh. 40,000
500,000Ksh. 50,000
750,000Ksh. 75,000
1,000,000Ksh. 100,000