Best Mechanical Engineering Universities In Kenya

What is a Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineering is the study of physical machines that may involve force and movement.

It is an engineering branch that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science, to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.

Best Mechanical Engineering Universities In Kenya

RankUniversity NameCourse CodeCutoff Points
1Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology124911841.449
2University Of Nairobi126311841.321
3Kenyatta University111111841.033
4Technical University Of Kenya111211840.186
5Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology117311837.987
6Technical University Of Mombasa106311836.813
7Machakos University117011835.198
8South Eastern Kenya University116611833.403
9Moi University125359931.769

Which university is best for Mechanical Engineering in Kenya?

The University of Nairobi: This was the first university in Kenya. It has trained in engineering before any other college or university.

It has continued to offer the best training and remains at the top of the list. Moi University: It is not only a hub for art courses but also offers the best technical training.

How much is a mechanical engineer paid in Kenya?

Check your pay

The majority of Mechanical engineers earn a salary between Ksh36,424 and Ksh257,897 per month in 2023. A monthly wage for entry-level Mechanical engineers ranges from Ksh36,424 to Ksh167,109. After gaining 5 years of work experience, their income will be between Ksh50,858 and Ksh253,299 per month.

How many years does Mechanical Engineering take in Kenya?

Course Structure and Duration

The course shall run for a minimum of five academic years or 10 semesters with two semesters per year.

Is Mechanical Engineering in demand in Kenya?

The expected growth in the job market for mechanical engineers between 2016-2026 is 8.8%. Furthermore, the broad application of Mechanical Engineering links them to many industries ensuring that they are always in demand.

Which year is the hardest in mechanical engineering?

Generally the hardest year will be either one’s Junior or Senior year as a result of the sophistication of the material covered.

What grades do you need for mechanical engineering?

You’ll usually need:

  • 4 or 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), or equivalent, including English, maths, and science.
  • 1 or 2 A levels, or equivalent, for a foundation degree or higher national diploma.

Is mechanical engineering a lot of physics?

Mechanical engineering combines engineering physics and applied mathematics with materials science to design mechanical systems and novel materials.

It requires knowledge of core areas of physics, such as mechanics, thermodynamics, theory of elasticity, electricity and magnetism.