Best Hiking Trails In Kenya

What is a Hiking Trail?

A trail, also known as a path or track, is an unpaved lane or a small paved road not intended for usage by motorized vehicles, usually passing through a natural area. In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, a path or footpath is the preferred term for a pedestrian or hiking trail.

Best Hiking Trails In Kenya

1. Oloolua Nature Trail, Karen

Let’s begin this list with easy hikes around Kenya.

Oloolua Nature Trail is one of the best walking trails in Kenya. It features forest paths, a waterfall, a cave, a stream, and a picnic site.

The trail is a great place to hike near Nairobi if you love nature, and it’s suitable for hikers of all levels. You can walk, hike, jog, or stay the night and camp in this serene forest.

The entry fees for this trail are Ksh 600 (non-residents), Ksh 400 (residents), and Ksh 200 (citizens). Children pay half the price.

2. Karura Forest (Easy Trail for Hiking in Kenya)

Karura Forest is an urban forest close to Nairobi city. The forest is one of the easiest walking trails in Kenya and is ideal for complete beginners.

The hiking trail takes you in a loop along forest paths. During the hike, you’ll enjoy a natural environment, watch birds, and see a beautiful waterfall.

If you’re looking for a nice hiking trail near Nairobi, head to Karura. It’s magical and offers you a deep connection with nature. Besides hiking, you can ride a bike, picnic, or jog in the forest.

3. Mount Longonot (The Most Popular Trail for Hiking in Kenya)

Due to its proximity to Nairobi, Mount Longonot is the most famous of the day hikes around Kenya. This moderate to challenging trail is located in Mount Longonot National Park near Naivasha.

Although it’s not my favorite, Mount Longongot was my first hiking trip from Nairobi. I expected it to be an easy walk, but it was a challenge.

The hiking trail starts from the park’s gate. It then runs up a gradual rise along a forested path and steep steps. As you approach the crater’s rim, the trail becomes quite exhausting.

From the rim, you can take either a clockwise or anticlockwise walk around the crater to the summit – Kilele Ngamia, and back to the gate. Make sure to take a photo and enjoy the spectacular views of the Great Rift Valley.

4. Ngong Hills, Kajiado

Ngong Hills is a perfect hike for beginners and those looking for a nice trail near Nairobi. The trail is located in the Ngong Hills Forest, managed by Kenya Forest Service (KFS).

I love this trail for its diverse landscapes and breathtaking views. On a clear day, you can see the Great Rift Valley, Nairobi National Park, and Nairobi city under a blue sky.

There are two gates leading to the Ngong Hills Trail – Kona Baridi and KFS Post near Ngong town. Therefore, hikers have the option of point-to-point or out-and-back trips.

I prefer and recommend the out-and-back trail from Ngong. This trail follows a murram (gravelly surface) road past wind turbines and then takes you through open grass fields and forest paths.

After the seven knuckle-shaped hills, you’ll be at the second gate (Kona Baridi). From here, you can choose to finish the hike or head back to Ngong.

5. Mount Kilimambogo (Ol Donyo Sabuk)

Whenever I need an easy hike out of Nairobi, Mount Kilimambogo comes third after Ngong Hills and Oloolua Nature Trail. It’s an excellent trail and one of the best day hikes around Kenya.

Starting your journey in Nairobi, you’ll drive through Thika town until you reach the trailhead. The hike is about 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) each way and takes between 4 and 6 hours to complete.

The trail starts at the Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park gate. From there, it takes you along a dirt road and up through a forest. It then rejoins the dirt road and winds up to the summit.

What is the hardest hike in Kenya?

Rising to an elevation of 3,906m above sea level, the Mount Kinangop hike is notoriously strenuous. The Kinangop peak is the second-highest in the Aberdare Range. It delivers a challenging hike, covering 14km each way. The hike takes about 7-10 hours on average but can take as many as 14 hours for slower hikers.