Best Hematologist In Kenya

Who is a Hematologist?

Hematologists and hematopathologists are highly trained healthcare providers who specialize in diseases of the blood and blood components.

These include blood and bone marrow cells. Hematological tests can help diagnose anemia, infection, hemophilia, blood clotting disorders, and leukemia.

Best Hematologist In Kenya

DoctorAbdullahi Hadi Omar.

DoctorDavid Ndonye.

Doctor Edith Wacera Kagunda.


DoctorLucy Wainaina Mungai.

DoctorABDIRAHMAN HASHI FARAH. MB.Ch.B, M.Med(Paediatrics)

DoctorEric Onacha Anyira. MB.ChB., M.Med(Internal Medicine).

DoctorHusein Onally Jivanji. MB ChB., M.Med (Int.

What type of patient is treated by a hematologist?

Hematologists and hematopathologists are highly trained healthcare providers who specialize inĀ diseases of the blood and blood components.

These include blood and bone marrow cells. Hematological tests can help diagnose anemia, infection, hemophilia, blood clotting disorders, and leukemia.

What are the symptoms of blood disorders?

Signs of red blood cell disorders include:

  • unexplained exhaustion.
  • shortness of breath.
  • dizziness or light-headedness.
  • rapid heartbeat.
  • muscle weakness.
  • difficulty concentrating and remembering.
  • paleness.

Can a hematologist help with anemia?

If you appear to have a form of aplastic anemia, your doctor may refer you to a hematologist for a bone marrow biopsy to determine the cause of the anemia. Medications and blood transfusions may be used to treat aplastic anemia.

How much is a hematologist in Kenya?

Hematology Treatment Cost in Kenya
Hematology in KenyaAverage Cost in USDAverage Cost in Kenya Shilling (KES)
Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant$35,000Ksh 4,200,000
Aplastic Anemia$3,000Ksh 360,000
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant$33,000Ksh 3,960,000
Blood Cancer Treatment$3,800Ksh 456,000
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)$33,000Ksh 3,960,000
Fanconi Anemia$3,600Ksh 432,000
Leukemia Treatment$7,500Ksh 900,000
Lymphoma Treatment$7,800Ksh 936,000
Multiple Sclerosis$6,500Ksh 780,000
Myeloma Treatment$5,000Ksh 600,000
Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant$32,000Ksh 3,840,000
Sickle Cell Disease$3,900Ksh 468,000
Thalassemia Transplant$6,700Ksh 804,000