Daily Archives: August 2, 2023

List of all Private Universities And their Contact Details

List of all Private Universities: Their Vice Chancellors and Contacts Private Universities PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES WEBSITES AFRICA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY www.aiu.ac.ke AFRICA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY www.anu.ac.ke CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF EAST AFRICA www.cuea.edu DAYSTAR UNIVERSITY www.daystar.ac.ke GRETSA UNIVERSITY www.grestsauniversity.ac.ke GREAT LAKES UNIVERSITY OF KISUMU www.gluk.ac.ke INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP UNIVERSITY www.kenya.ilu.edu KABARAK UNIVERSITY www.kabarak.ac.ke KCA UNIVERSITY www.kca.ac.ke KAG UNIVERSITY www.kageu.ac.ke KENYA HIGHLANDS EVANGELICAL UNIVERSITY… Read More »

New Konza University To be Established in September

The government is set to open the Kenya National Open University by September this year at Konza Technopolis as one of its flagship projects. Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo said the virtual university aims to enhance access to affordable university education. “Once the institution becomes functional, it will make university education more affordable,… Read More »

Mwalimu National Dividends Payments

A SACCO is a member-based financial service institution where individuals pool their savings to provide loans to fellow members. This self-help organization not only encourages regular saving but also offers attractive dividends and easier access to credit compared to traditional banks. The Benefits of Joining a SACCO Firstly, SACCOs promote regular savings by requiring members to contribute a fixed monthly… Read More »

Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) New CBC Learning Subjects

Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) New CBC Learning Areas/ Subjects Core Subjects (i)            English (ii)           Kiswahili or Kenya sign language for learners who are deaf (iii)         Mathematics (iv)         Integrated Science (v)           Health Education (vi)         Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education (vii)        Social Studies (viii)      Religious Education (IRE/ CRE/ HRE) (ix)        Business Studies (x)         Agriculture (xi)        Life Skills (xii)      Sports and Physical… Read More »