List of Best Rugby Schools in Kenya

Rugby School is a day and mostly boarding co-educational independent school in Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Founded in 1567 as a free grammar school for local boys, it is one of the oldest independent schools in Britain. Up to 1667, the school remained in comparative obscurity

Kenya High School

Injera races Kisumu Boys.

​ Andrew Amonde. Dr. Aggrey High School

​ Willy Ambaka. Kijabe High.

​ Oscar Ouma. Nyabondo High.

Lenana School

What is rugby and how do you play it?

The game is played with two teams, each consisting of fifteen players. Each team can carry, pass or kick the ball to the end zone to score as many points as possible. The team scoring the greater number of points is the winner of the match. The two teams compete for two forty minute halves with a five minute halftime.

How dangerous is rugby?

Over 40% of injuries are muscular strains or contusions (bruising), 30% are sprains, followed by dislocations, fractures, lacerations, and overuse injuries. Sprained ankles are a common injury with ankle sprains representing almost 1 in 7 rugby injuries.

What is the difference between football and rugby?

Number of Players

Rugby teams are much larger than their American football counterparts. Rugby teams have fifteen players on the pitch at any one time whereas American football teams have just eleven.