List of Top Law Schools In Kenya

Ranking the best law schools in Kenya can be a daunting task, especially when you consider the rising number of mixed reviews and contradicting research studies. Different studies have been carried out by Kenyan organizations and others by multinational research entities, with the results slightly contradicting.

Therefore, we have taken a look at all the studies aimed at ranking the best law schools in Kenya, and then come up with a list of our own that accommodates every single element from all of these studies.

Law degrees have always been among the most sought-after and widely respected courses to study at university. For many, a law degree is the first step along the path to a career in the legal sector, often followed by the further study and training needed to become a practising solicitor or barrister. A Law degree will provide you with the skills required to practice in law, for example through mooting (a mock legal hearing where students argue points of law), and pro bono work.

Strathmore University School of Law

University of Nairobi School of Law

Mount Kenya University (MKU) School of Law

JKUAT School of Law

Moi University School of Law

Kenyatta University School of Law

Nazarene University School of Law

Which is the best law school in Kenya?

Best Law Schools in Kenya

Strathmore University School of Law. Strathmore University School of Law ranks top among the best law schools in Kenya.

University of Nairobi School of Law.

Mount Kenya University (MKU) School of Law.

JKUAT School of Law.

Moi University School of Law.

Kenyatta University School of Law.

Nazarene University School of Law.

How long does a law degree take in Kenya?

2.1.5 Must have at least grade B (B Plain) in English at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education or equivalent qualification. The Bachelor of Laws programme lasts for a minimum period of FOUR (4) academic years comprising EIGHT (8) semesters of full-time attendance of lectures offered by the School of Law.

Where can I study law in Kenya?

Some of the schools and universities in Kenya that offer a bachelor’s degree in law in Kenya include;

Nairobi University Law School in Kenya.

Moi University School of Law in Kenya.

Catholic University of Eastern Africa School of Law in Kenya.

Kenyatta University School of Law in Kenya.