Kenyan teachers risk a fine of Sh 2,000 from the (KRA) Kenyan Revenue Authority if they fail to file their itax returns on time. This follows the newly launched TSC assignment to her teachers of validating their phone numbers and Emails in their TPAY.
The teachers employer (TSC) issued her members with a Circular identified as 6/2022 on the 8th of June 2022 requiring them to update their profiles by the 15th of July 2022. This aims at helping the commission to enhance the security of their members’ information in the portal.
It is important to note that the Commission has blocked teachers who have not updated their details from accessing various TPAY services. Some of these services include P9 download which is a requirement in filing the KRA returns .
The Teachers Service Commission has issued a stern warning to both the teachers and their bosses of dire consequences if they fail to comply to the given instructions. One of the major consequences include the inability of the members to access their TPAY.
The TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia communicated through a circular ,” Heads of institutions who will not have valiadted the particulars of teachers under their supervision within the stipulated time will not be able to acess their TPAY accounts”
All Kenyan citizens of age are required to file their annual returns with the taxman (KRA) before or on the 30th of June 2022, failure to which a penalty is imposed on all who do not comply to this national directive!
Remember that the P9 Form which is a prerequisite for filing the KRA returns can only be accessed through the TPAY online System which must have been updated through the Validation Exercise. Some of the online systems that TPAY handles include the Teachers’ and the Secretariate payslips,P9 statements, Control Sheets, the famous Third Party Tranasactions, the application and approval of loans process. Given the sensitive nature of these information, the commission is aiming at beefing up the much needed security on the teachers’ information which has been infiltrated before the by fraudsters.
This has been made possible by the Commission introducing a two tier authentication process, where by a One Time Pin (OTP) is sent to the user’s registered phone number or Email to enable loggins.
This Is The Procedure Of Validating One’s TPAY:
- Access the payslip page through the TSC Website and log into TPAY
- Upload a passport photo clearly showing the face, without glassess or head-covered
- Enter and verify current mobile numbers
- Once you enter the mobile number and One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your mobile number
- Input the OTP to validate the mobile number
- Click on the validate tab to verify that it is the correct mobile number
- It should be noted that a -One-Time-Password (OTP) Code will be sent to the Email provided. Only a Valid code will be accepeted to verify the Email. The Email will be used during loan application and approvals.
- This should be done within 30 days from the date of this circular.