TSC New Teacher Lesson Attendance Register free pdf 2021

By | April 9, 2021
The New TSC Teacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR)
The New TSC Teacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR)

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Lesson Attendance Register For Teachers is a document used by the Deputy Head of Institution to monitor curriculum delivery in the school. The form is filled on a daily basis by class secretaries.

The data is then populated on a weekly basis and fed to the specific teacher’s lesson attendance record in TPAD account.

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Teacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR)

Teachers Service Commission

TSCTeacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR)

School …………………………………. Class/Grade/Form ………………Year ……………….. Term ……………Week…………………Dates: – From Mon ………………..…. To Fri………………………

LessonTeacherTime inTime  outAssigLessonTeacherTime inTime  outAssigLessonTeacherTime inTime  outAssigLessonTeacherTime inTime  outAssigLessonTeacherTime inTime  outAssig

NB: Assg: – Abbreviation for Assignment (the Class/Grade monitor/secretary is expected to mark Yes/No if assignment is given or not).
Class/Grade Secretary/Monitor ………………………………………. Signature ………………………………………
Explanations by Deputy Head:………………………………………………………………………………

Teacher AbsentReasonTeacher AbsentReasonTeacher AbsentReasonTeacher AbsentReasonTeacher AbsentReason

Get all TSC Forms here; Free PDF Downloads of all TSC Forms.

Related; The TSC Lesson Observation Form

Here are links to the most important news portals:

Weekly Analysis:

Total Number of Teachers; Absent……………………. Absent with Permission ……………. Absent without Permission……………Lessons taught……………..Lesson not Taught……………….


  1. This form should be completed by the class secretary/monitor with the knowledge of the teachers.
  2. The form should be surrendered to the Deputy Head of Institution to analyse and complete the section above on weekly basis.
  3. The class teacher to fill in the tool for lower primary but the Deputy Head of Institution to verify.
  4. The Deputy Head of Institution should then submit the teacher lesson attendance analysis on a weekly basis (every Monday).
  5. After taking the necessary action the Head of Institution should file all the forms so that they are available when needed.

Submitted by Deputy Head sign:…………………………………………Name……………………………………………..TSC No……………………….Date…………………..
Confirmed by Head of the institution sign:………………………………Name……………………………………………..TSC No……………………….Date…………………..

Download the TSC Teacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR) here.