Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Vacancies

How to join Masinde Muliro University?



  1. Procedure For Application.
  2. Visit
  3. Create a User Account. TIP: Use the same password as that of Email.
  4. Verification of User Account. Login to your email address.
  5. Application of course. Login to your user account (Enter Email & Password).
  6. Complete the application process.

Vacancy for Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice-chancellor Academic Affairs (Closed)

External Vacancy Advertisement (Closed)

Internal Advertisement for Internship (Closed)

External advertisement for Administrative and Academic Staff (Closed)

Download Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Latest Vacancies

How do I open the Mmust student portal?

Student Portal Help

  1. Visit the Website: Open a web browser and navigate to Visit
  2. Provide Personal Information:
  3. registration/employee number: enter your Registration number.
  4. Password: enter a password of your choice.
  5. Confirm password: Renter the password to confirm it.
  6. Click submit.