Laikipia University Application Procedure

Laikipia University Application Procedure


Welcome to Laikipia University. Thank you for your interest in our programmes. You are most welcome to join us. Below are the steps you need to follow to apply for any of our programmes.

Applicants should ensure that they meet the minimum specified requirements for the course they are applying for.

Application forms can be downloaded on our website for the respective course you are applying for or collected at the Admissions Office – Laikipia University Main Campus, Nyahururu Town Campus (Gatero Building), Nakuru or Maralal Campus.

Duly completed forms should be returned to the Admissions Office and  must be accompanied by the appropriate non refundable application fees.


All fees should be paid at any branch of the following LAIKIPIA UNIVERSITY bank accounts.

  1. Cooperative Bank of Kenya – A/c No. 011-2950-177-8000
  2. Kenya Commercial Bank – A/c No. 1101-909-080
  3. Equity Bank – A/c No. 01602-9584-0456

Fully completed Application Forms with certified copies of certificates should be returned to : The Registrar (Academic Affairs) c/o Admissions Office Laikipia University P.O. Box 1100-20300, NYAHURURU. So as to reach him by the APPLICATION DEADLINE; WHICH IS TWO WEEKS BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROGRAMME.

Each student is expected to meet accommodation costs which will be communicated to each applicant before the session starts.