Kuccps explains what cut off points means

By | June 15, 2021
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KMTC Branches, Courses, Requirements, Fees and how to apply.

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has given an explanation on what cut off points are and how they influence selection of students to higher institutions of learning (Universities, Colleges and Tvets). If you are applying for Kuccps courses or making revisions, then this is your chance to know about the Cut off points for various courses.

Cut-off points are the marks (cluster weight) of the last student to join a course in a university after all applicants for the course have been ranked based on their cluster weights.

Cut-off points are only available after applicants have been placed and they have joined university/college.

These cut off points are reviewed on a yearly basis and they heavily rely on candidates’ performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

As an applicant, you have been provided with cut-off points of the previous four years to use as a gauge on how competitive a course is. See details on the current cut off points here; Kuccps cutoff points 2021-2022

This is to enable you to find where you have the best chance. If your cluster weight is zero, there is a required subject that you have not done

If the system tells you that you do not qualify for a course, it means there’s a subject among the requirements that you have not met. Please choose another course.

Get more information on Kuccps in the following external articles.

Latest KUCCPS Students Portal Login; https://students.kuccps.net/login/

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2021/2022 Kuccps online course applications link (https://students.kuccps.net/login/)

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KUCCPS website, portals and online services (students.kuccps.net/)

Kuccps opens 2021/2022 applications for placement of 2020 KCSE students

KUCCPS 2020/2021 Placement Results for 2019 KCSE Students Release

How to Calculate Cluster Points KUCCPS

Your cluster points are automatically generated by KUCCPS. But, did you know how the points are calculated? Here is your simplified guide.

The formula below is used when calculating weight cluster points


The symbols in that formula have specified meaning.

Symbol description.

1wWeighted Cluster Point
2cRaw Cluster Point
3a Aggregate Cluster Point
4mMaximum performance index per cluster for all students and subjects
5r Raw cluster performance index per cluster for all subjects enrolled
6apiAggregate performance index
7spiMaximum performance index

Different tertiary institutions all use own cluster even for similar classes. As thus, the cluster points cut off for the same course in different institutions are not similar.

These dynamics collectively necessitate the need for students to determine their cluster points before settling on a particular course of study.

Factors that influence cluster points

Below are some of the factors that influence the grading system regarding clusters

1. Cluster Subjects for A Student

Group Subjects Selection Recommended

Group I Mathematics Compulsory 3



Group II Physics At least two 2



Group III Geography At least one 1


History & Govt

Hindu Rel. Ed

Group IV Aviation

Comp Studies


Metal Work


Art and design

Power mechanics

Building and construction

Group V German



Business studies


2. Grade Points

Every academic course offered in higher learning require a minimum of four primary subjects. For this reason, cluster point calculation encompasses these subjects irrespective of its group. Below is a breakdown of KCSE grading points.

Grade Points

A 12

A- 11

B+ 10

B 9

B- 8

C+ 7

C 6

C- 5

D+ 4

D 3

D- 2

E 1

3. Raw cluster points

Raw cluster points are calculated using four grading subjects concerning the course requirements

Subject Grade Grading points

Mathematics A- 11

Physics B- 8

Chemistry B 9

Business studies A- 11

39 -raw cluster points

After directing the public on how to calculate cluster points for universities admissions, KUCCPS is now in the limelight of receiving student placement results.

Many students are reportedly experiencing difficult times in comprehending how to calculate KCSE cluster points.

The ambivalence affects the placement process with many students likely to land on unpredictable courses.

The ongoing second revision grants applicants who did not participate in the first revision.

The exercise mainly features students who qualified for the government-sponsored program by attaining at least a C+ in their aggregate mean grade in KCSE national examination.

It is now easier to calculate cluster points for intake using JAB compliant formulas.

The process has continually been simplified to help applicant focus on proper career choice as opposed to hard metrics.

You should also note that all cluster point values are edited annually by KUCCPS