JSS Subjects Timetable And Lessons Per Week

By | February 4, 2023

Students in regular junior secondary schools will be taught English, Mathematics, Pre-technical studies, Kiswahili, Integrated Science, Social Studies, Business Studies, Agriculture, Religious Education, Health Education, Sports, Physical Education and Life Skills Education.


Number of Lessons Per Week
(40 minutes per lesson)

1. English -5
2. Mathematics -5
3. Pre-technical studies -4
4. Kiswahili/KSL -4
5. Integrated Science -4
6. Social Studies -3
7. Business Studies- 3
8. Agriculture -3
9. Religious – 3 Education. Learners to choose one of
the following (IRE, HRE, CRE)

10. Health Education -2
11. Sports and Physical Education -2
12. Life Skills Education -1
13. Option 1- 3
14 Option 11 -3


Number of Lessons Per Week
(40 minutes per lesson)

1. English -5
2. Mathematics -5
3. Pre-technical studies -4
4. Kiswahili/KSL -4
5. Integrated Science -4
6. Social Studies -3
7. Business Studies- 3
8. Agriculture -3
9. Religious – 3 Education. Learners to choose one of
the following (IRE, HRE, CRE)

10. Health Education -2
11. Sports and Physical Education -2
12. Life Skills Education -1
13. Option 1- 3
14 Option 11 -3