Best Ostrich Farm In Kenya

What is an Ostrich Farm?

An ostrich farmer is an agricultural professional who raises ostriches as livestock—animals regarded and used as an asset. Ostrich farms comprising just a trio of birds can be as small as 1 acre or even half an acre.

Best Ostrich Farm In Kenya

Maasai Ostrich Farm provides the guests with a unique and memorable experience. One gets to experience nature teaming with ostriches and various products attached to such subspecies of bird.

How much does an ostrich cost in Kenya?

He says an ostrich egg fetches about Sh3,500 due to its rarity and large size; it weighs about 1.3 kilos. A chick that is about a month old is likely to be sold at between Sh30,000 and Sh40,000. A year-old ostrich will set you back between Sh70,000 and Sh90,000.

Is ostrich farming profitable in Kenya?

Today, ostrich farms are considered to be among the most profitable agricultural projects. They are often referred to as “the farms of the future” because of the large variety of possible products and hence their high profit potential. Ostriches are raised commercially for their meat, hide, and feathers.

How long does an ostrich take to grow?

One of their amazing attributes is the fact that the ostrich will grow to adulthood in 18 months. They weigh about 1kg when born and in the space of 18 months grow to an incredible size of about 140kg.

How many eggs do ostriches lay a year?

Under natural conditions, a female ostrich lays 12–18 eggs. Under farm conditions, young females produce 10–20 eggs in the first year and from 40 to 130 eggs annually (most often 40–60 eggs) in subsequent years.